Collection: Nomadic Yahyali Carpets
This rectangular nomadic Yahyali rugs are sized small,medium and large, which is characterized by an eye-catching triple medallion, is an antique, slightly used wool rug in good condition. It provides warmth and softness under foot. It is composed of geometrical and flexible wavy motives in vivid, contrastful colours. It has an ochre coloured ‘cauldron handle’ bordure, which is positioned in between two floral patterned bordures. The inner navy blue bordure is surrounding the two greenish ‘chest’ parts consisting of stylized tulips and the royal blue background around the big red medallion, which encloses the other two. This medium sized rug can serve a nice accent for neutral coloured rustic and boho interiors and can be combined well with wooden, wrought iron and brass items, and accessories like pillows, lampshades, curtains etc. matching the rug’s colour scheme. It is suitable for a variety of rooms like living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, winter gardens, libraries, offices.
This rectangular nomadic Yahyali rugs are sized small,medium and large, which is characterized by an eye-catching triple medallion, is an antique, slightly used wool rug in good condition. It provides warmth and softness under foot. It is composed of geometrical and flexible wavy motives in vivid, contrastful colours. It has an ochre coloured ‘cauldron handle’ bordure, which is positioned in between two floral patterned bordures. The inner navy blue bordure is surrounding the two greenish ‘chest’ parts consisting of stylized tulips and the royal blue background around the big red medallion, which encloses the other two. This medium sized rug can serve a nice accent for neutral coloured rustic and boho interiors and can be combined well with wooden, wrought iron and brass items, and accessories like pillows, lampshades, curtains etc. matching the rug’s colour scheme. It is suitable for a variety of rooms like living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, winter gardens, libraries, offices.
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